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Re: Stupid old fart
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machineryelf wrote:

** Colonel Edward Armitstead, a Synod member from the diocese of Bath and Wells, said: "I don't think he is the man for the job. One wants to be charitable, but I sense that he would be far happier in a university where he can kick around these sorts of ideas."**

Damn good idea, god forbid that anyone with anything intelligent to say should be released into the realms of the general public to try and inject some sort of sense into the tabloid media

The reporting on this has been absolutely abominable, the Bishop made some sensible and informed comments and has been pilloried from post to post by the Sun et al as some sort of ''fuzzy wuzzy loving surrender monkey selling white women into slavery to the heathen, and destroying 1000's of years of upstanding english laws''

See, I don't feed either positively or negatively from Tabliod logic, I just ignore them. I don't see the point in giving any creedence or raising any argument at all from their bile. Thet best serve the Lotto and Danielle Llyod or WAGS or some such guff.

As for intellectual debate...bring it on sure, where it exists.
But I reitterate, what exactly has he said save a few phrases? A few phrases loaded with suggestion without any real content.
Unless he's went out and asked some of the Muslim population what they think, his words might have carried some real weight, but has he?
Most theories, ideas (the ones that matter) are borne out of some thing other than 'notions'. Perhaps those sort of 'Fabian-Society' armchair politics were once subserviently tolerated but I say out of touch, mate.
And were his words even said positively? Perhaps he's horrified at the thought of such an 'inevitabitlity'.

There is to be an assembly today where he and his cronies to try to clear up the whole damned mess. He's had plenty of time to backslide (I've read plenty of oh 'I didn't mean' but zip re what he did mean), but as I heard on R4 today, there will be no need for him to go into the 'details of his comments too much'.

So tbh, I don't know why he's been anything other than, a stupid old fart.


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Posted by shanshee_allures
11th February 2008ce

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