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Re: Stupid old fart
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dodge one wrote:
IanB wrote:
One small thing - aren't both the English legal system and the moral distinctions that underpin it based on twin pillars of Judeo-Christian teaching and Enlightenment notions of individual liberty? We may consider ourselves to be living in a secular society (which suits me fine) but we should be very clear about the foundations of our social systems.

Overall I am not sure what appals me more Williams' naievetee, his grotesque treatment by the media or the uncloaking of some very unrighteous opinions amongst people who should know better.

If I hear one more London liberal opine darkly (and without a single statistical fact at their fingertips) on the threat posed by the allegedly Leporidae-like birthrate among Muslims I will puke.

Enlightment my ass!

If i recall from my history lessons, English Law is founded on The Magna Carta: Which grants rights to the King's subjects. This was taken into account when the American constitution was written. That laws are written for the people by the people.

What do you think informed the Magna Carta in the first place? They didn't pull that out of their ass. Any idea of natural rights is an illusion. The rights we are suppsed to enjoy derive from a constantly developing reading of the Bible. The idea that our laws are based any anything other than Christian doctine is an illusion.

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Posted by IanB
10th February 2008ce

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Re: Stupid old fart (dodge one)

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