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Clach a' Mhoid
Re: Ballinloan :Calling Rhiannon
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Rhiannon wrote:
Thank you tiompan. though I'm a tad disappointed. Is rock art usually on stones that poke out of the ground in a certain way, rather than a big lump of (glacier dumped?) rock? I mean, can you pretty much tell before you look?
I ought to remove my stone and you ought to put yours on, too.

It's on both types , although it could be said the more obvious the boulder the less complex the carvings , with a couple of exceptions . It' odd in tha tplace in tha tall the RA is on one side of a wee glen while the other which has some big lumps has none . I'll get round to putting the pics on soon .

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Posted by tiompan
31st January 2007ce

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Re: Ballinloan :Calling Rhiannon (Rhiannon)

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