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Re: Stonehenge lintel holes
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Littlestone wrote:
...what they created in the outer circle was a load of uprights all connected with a ring beam. It enables any local strain to be redistributed and shared right round the circle. If one upright wanted to fall down, the others wouldn't let it.

Yup, that (and VBB's comments above) makes sense. What, actually, is the thinking on why the lintels eventually did come down? Wanton destruction or natural causes (or both)?

Maybe the explanation for the weakness of the ring lies with the half-height upright and two missing lintels ? That could also explain why the Southern section is more disturbed than the rest...

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Posted by slumpystones
1st January 2007ce

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Re: Stonehenge lintel holes (Littlestone)

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Re: Stonehenge lintel holes (Littlestone)

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