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Re: Calling Bawn79
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CianMcLiam wrote:
Cheers for all the pointers, looks like Knockroe will be on the hitlist and possibly Bawnfree hill (better charge up the lamps!) for a start. Duntryleague is also very tempting, if I'm feeling like a drive I might also go as far as Shanballyedmond for some nocturnal moseying.

The visit notes for Knockroe say its up a track, can you drive up the track or is it more like a trek? Any idea how long the track is as well?
Cheers :)

I find Shanballyedmond kinda boring, much prefer Baurnaodeemey. If you are thinking that kind of distance then a trip to Lough Gur by night is amazing.

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Posted by bawn79
6th December 2006ce

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Re: Calling Bawn79 (CianMcLiam)

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