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Re: Calling Bawn79
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bawn79 wrote:
I dont think there are that many "show sites" in tipp really. Im in the process of buying a house in Cahir so I should be getting a feel for the area over the coming year.
The hill-tops are covered in cairns and Im looking forward to climbing up to them.

What I could recommend and it might be nice is Longstone Rath,,
Duntryleague isnt that far away either and is sign-posted
Obviously wont be able to see these at night but they are fabulous and can be seen from Duntryleague

I think they are the main sites North Cork and Kilkenny and don't know much about to be honest.

I think they are the main sites, I dont know much about North Cork and Kilkenny.

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Posted by bawn79
5th December 2006ce

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Re: Calling Bawn79 (bawn79)

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