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Question on your King Arthur's Round Table post
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Hello, Rhiannon.

Please forgive me for contacting yo this way, but I'm new here and could not figure out how to contact you directly.

You once posted the following on King Arthur's Round Table in Cumbria:

<In 1538, Leland (who was the king's antiquary - what a position) wrote:
"It is of sum caullid the Round Table, and of sum, Arture's Castel."

In 1724 Stukeley said "The site is used to this day for a country rendez-vous, either for sports or for military exercises, shooting with bows, etc."

The Cumberland historian Hutchinson was told by villagers in 1773 that the place was an ancient tilting yard where jousts had once been held. He said wrestling matches had taken place there within living memory.

info in Marjorie Rowling's 'Folklore of the Lake District' (1976). >

Do you still have easy access to these sources? And, if so, could you please write me at my regular email address ASAP with the more complete quotes from the sources on the henge at Eamont? I would like to insert this material into the galley proofs of a book I have due out around Christmas.

Thank you and very best wishes,

August Hunt
[email protected]

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Posted by Cerwyd
20th May 2006ce

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A thought (Rhiannon)

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