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Re: Maybe this is a stupid question...
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Well that is what a "swear" word is. You swear an oath of loyalty, or make a promise or vow vengeance or whatever. Then when you break an oath or swear in vain - you are forsworn. That is the sin, transgression or wrong doing dependent on whichever culture you are in.

What we call swear words are nothing of the sort - they are just crude sexual or lavatorial expressions devoid of their original meaning. What do we really mean when we say that we are "pissed off" or that some bloke is a "cunt"? Other words and expressions have been formed from oath words by deliberate attempts to avoid swearing in vain. The exclamation "Crikey" is an alternative to saying "Christ!" "Blimey!" instead of "Blind Me!" and the medieval "Zounds!" instead of "God's Wounds!" etc etc

My pet theory about the popularity of "fuck" is that in moments of tension, it is natural to sharply draw in your breath, bite your lower lip and then at the moment of tension release - Something like "fahh!" is produced and turns into "fuck!" Just my daft idea maybe.

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Posted by PeterH
16th January 2006ce

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