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Re: Picts in Ireland
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will do it when I get back. just quickly before I go, if you're looking on the web, be wary of anything by Ian Adamson. he's a unionist MP in the north who wrote a book about the Cruithni in Ireland, and it's used by some unionists to argue "that they were there first" and so Catholics have less right to be in the north than them

the fact that Catholicism and Protestantism didn't exist at the time seems to be overlooked conveniently, but the spin is that the Cruithni were driven out of Ireland by the "Celts" and so when the 17th century plantations took place, that was merely the "Cruithni" taking back what was rightfully theirs!


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Posted by BigSweetie
7th December 2005ce

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Re: Picts in Ireland (StewardsofGondor)

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Re: Picts in Ireland (PeterH)
Re: Picts in Ireland (StewardsofGondor)

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