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Re: Am I seeing things?
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I know the best mindset for finding stuff - but it's unpleasant (like a soldier on a dangerous mission). I've no pictures of the marks/carvings on the rocks that possibly close the Broad Mea cairn. This is why I asked you and Fitz to please go and take a look. I'll not be back there till next June. There is an exposure of the tail of the kiln and several of David's Cairns. My buzzard in a trap pictures came out too.
There is a heap of stuff that is unrecognised as carved. And is classed, if classed at all, as erosion. I'll post an example some time of a single example (Paul's Bumstone) that is on the SMR and yet badly photographed. If there's a muckload of protest I'll delete it. The stones in Bolton, several are artificially marked, have only been photographed by one person - the same as those at the Knar. In a way these stones didn't exist at all (carved or eroded) before that shutter fell.

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Posted by StoneLifter
9th October 2005ce

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Re: Am I seeing things? (Hob)

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