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Re: mike croley: "the voice"
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Thanks for explaining your ideas. I might not believe a large proportion of them, but respect your beliefs. I do think that most are conjecture, without the evidence to make them credible. I do realise that there may be secrets within closed door which are not for public consumption, but remain unconvinced by the lizard theory.

As I said at the opening of this thread, I am attracted to the outlandish, and what propels people there. Whether caused by mental "illness" or a different state the fantastical is fascinating, of only for fictional purposes. Your theories are tame compared to one on another site. Get ready for the VULTURES and the REPTILES!

I'm gonna stop prolonging this thread, but will look at Professor Croley's book list when you post it.

Best of luck in your world!

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Posted by grimo
9th October 2005ce

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Re: mike croley: "the voice" (mike croley)

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