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Re: mike croley
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"Now I understand where you get your ego shit from"

Mmm, mmh. I learned all about the ego via the natural processes of encountering vehicles of living consciousness. People - in other words. My comments regarding your ego are from observation and experience.

I get a very strong feeling that you are self-absorbed, almost impossibly arrogant and more than a touch insecure - hence your trashing of people you encounter iff they do not believe your fantasies.

A healthy ego does notneed to reduce people who disagree to 'stupid' or 'ignorant' in order to exist peacefully with itself and others.

The fact that you immediately tied my working in a school to my understanding 'ego shit' is a case in point. You make no effort to understand an argument, you just get that big old and reliably broad anti-everything brush out and paint furiously until everything looks like mud.

Regarding school - I worked in the special needs area, profound autism and learning difficulties to be exact. It can take 2 years to teach some young adults to wipe their own bums. Maybe you should open your own school where you can teach kids about lizards, how the world lies to them, and how you are superior? Sure beats trying to teach kids self-reliance, life-skills, social skills and reading eh?

"I don't want to discuss this with you"

Colour me surprised.

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Posted by morfe
6th October 2005ce

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