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Re: a question about personal collections
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I don't think it's a case of people don't care. I believe it's more a case of they just don't think of recording the information. For example, I have a small collection of coins. I get them from all sorts of places; friends, car-boots etc. But I haven't made any record of where I got them from. Not because I don't want to, but because I don't see any reason for doing so. It may be that, sometime in the distant future, people will want to know how I came by these coins, and I won't be able to tell them, because, when I acquired them, it just didn't occur to me to take notes. I think this may be why so many people haven't reported/recorded their collections. They probably just didn't think it was important enough.

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Posted by Cheshireman
3rd August 2005ce

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