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Re: Encouraging responsible metal detecting
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>> What action would you like to see the responsible detecting community who already record their finds with
>> PAS take to resolve this issue?

I would like to think that there'd be a confidential phoneline you could ring and report abuses. I can understand your predicament, but there is action you can take. If someone's breaking the law then there are people employed to deal with that kind of behaviour, but they can't do their job if no one reports the crime. If someone knows of another person's crime and doesn't report it then they are probably an accessory to that crime.

If no crime has been commited then all that the community can do is try to educate them, maybe even expose their poor practice and shun them. I do realise that shunning someone can simply drive them more underground and make their actions harder to monitor.

It is a tough situation that has no easy answers, but I'll use a friend's little phrase - <i>If not You, Who? If not Now, When?</i>

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Posted by FourWinds
1st August 2005ce

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