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Re: Encouraging responsible metal detecting
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"quote"then education not an outright ban is the answer.
stop threatening people and make them more willing to show and share their finds.
I have been shown some amazing finds found by local farmhands recently all found without detectors.
I am currently trying to photograph them and document where and when they were found.
This includes a lot of stone tools but also has metal objects in the collections.
The Antiquarians robbed so much more. Even in the Atkinson Silbury dig the report by Whittle states again and again, "these finds have since been lost"
If I find anything with a MD I will attempt to report it but knowing the local way the local FLO works I doubt anything but a major Gold find would be of interest."unquote"

Are you going to record these with PAS? If you are having problems with the local FLO I would suggest you email Dan Pett at the BM to help get this issue resolved - otherwise there is nothing to stop you recording these finds with any other FLO in the country - you do not have to record with the local one at all. You can even record by email if the FLO you choose is willing to accept submissions in this way - see here for details:

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Posted by venicone
1st August 2005ce

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