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Re: Encouraging responsible metal detecting
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quote "If the MD community as a whole isn't prepared to self-police then an outside 'authority' should do it for them. No community wants that to happen, so why the seeming lack of action from within? That does look like they're all 'up to no good' even if they aren't."

How would you suggest I as a "mere" female "self-policed" the md community - and even if I knew someone was not recording their over 300 year old finds how would you suggest I "made them" do this?

What action would you like to see the responsible detecting community who already record their finds with PAS take to resolve this issue?

Does it make me look as if Im up to no good if I am unable to persuade others to record?

Why do you think that none of the recording community are trying to "convert" non recorders into recorders?

Take a look at this :

Then tell me what else you think I should do to convert all the non recorders.
If only life was that simple :)


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Posted by venicone
1st August 2005ce

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