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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
Re: Avebury landscape - summer reading
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"Stonehenge In Its Landscape" by RMJ Cleal, KE Walker, and R Montague, ISBN 1850746052. Can't remember what it cost, but it was something like £75. Complete excavation reports and pics of all the Stonehenge excavations. Still creaming my pants. Some may say too expensive, but I think money well spent. There was a similar tome based on Avebury - "Avebury Reconsidered"? a few years ago. Didn't get my clammy little paws on that, but I heard it was a similar price. Depends how interested you are in a particular site I suppose.

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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
12th June 2005ce

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Re: Avebury landscape - summer reading (VenerableBottyBurp)

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