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Re: Amesbury Archer - How Art Made the World BB...
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I saw the programme and thought the bit about the Amesbury character to be the "highlight" just in entertainment value. I remember the media at the time of the discovery suggesting that this was the "King" who completed the (later version) Stonehenge. According to John Michell et al, ("The measure of Albion") the temple was a massive exercise in ancient Geodosy and surveying, and incorporated recondite knowledge about Asrtronomy and the dimensions of the Earth etc. The culture was international, and especially along the Atlantic seabord, and would have required specialists just as modern day projects attract the leading lights in their fields. My guess is that this bloke was someone like that, probably a priest magician with knowledge of land mapping and also architecture, and the gold adornments probably mark him out as a Smith/Shaman, or one who was honoured by this cadre. As to the sea crossing, it sounds good and dramatic, but we are in the dark as to how he could have got here. The channel was narrower, but still a dangerous crossing. However, i expect there were specialists who made the crossing frequently and this may have run in families for generations. With power and money behind you, most things are possible --- so long as you have good luck too. I think although it was overblown by spivey, it was a fair enough assumption that the guy had something to do with the construction of (later) Stonehenge.

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Posted by Forrester
26th May 2005ce

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