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Re: Amesbury Archer - How Art Made the World BB...
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>... his teeth prove that he grew up in Switzerland ...<

Yes, his teeth prove that he grew up in Switzerland but they do not prove that he was born there nor that his parents were originally from continental Europe.

Intriguing questions still remain. Why would a man travel vast distances over mountains and seas from Switzerland to Stonehenge? Was he returning to the land of his forefathers? Was he a member of a religious order? Was he on a pilgrimage to Stonehenge or a member of a returning family of emissaries <i>from</i> Stonehenge? Did he have a special and valued knowledge or skill? Was he an outcast nobleman or a travelling minstrel?

Who knows; the bottom line is that he came to these islands from afar and there must have been a very special and a very powerful reason for him to do that.

Mysteries, mysteries and I love them all :-)

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Posted by Littlestone
25th May 2005ce

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