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Re: Pretanike-Britain, Breton, Prythain or Picti?
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Yes I think the accent is based on Norse and I seem to remember that the DNA survey done in conjunction with "Blood of the Vikings" showed that there was a lot of Norwegian DNA in Orkney.

Norse settlement in Orkney was gradual but complete, but that doesn't mean that the indigenous people were exterminated there or anywhere else. Who are you going to get to work the land if you kill everyone? Landless men from Norway came over by the boatload, killed any men who looked troublesome, bedded the women and put the rest to work. Vikings were great slave traders too so would have exported any surplus human livestock especially to Iceland where Scottish and Irish slaves (thralls) were in great demand. Like white slave owners in cotton belt of USA - you owned the slaves so you could use them, dispose of them or sleep with them - and so the genes mingled.

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Posted by PeterH
3rd May 2005ce

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