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Re: Pretanike-Britain, Breton, Prythain or Picti?
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"Such", he said, "O King, seems to me the present life of men on earth, in comparison with that time which to us is uncertain, as if when on a winter's night you sit feasting with your ealdormen and thegns, a single sparrow should fly swiftly into the hall, and coming in at one door, instantly fly out through another. In that time in which it is indoors it is indeed not touched by the fury of the winter, but yet, this smallest space of calmness being passed almost in a flash, from winter going into winter again, it is lost to your eyes. Somewhat like this appears the life of man; but of what follows or what went before we are utterly ignorant."*

Travel a long way to find words as well-writ as those. But you are right, we move away from prehistory.

* Bede. Ecclesiastic History of the English People.

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Posted by Littlestone
2nd May 2005ce

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