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Re: Physical violence
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Why do you require an assurance that I will never in the furure do something I have never admitted to in the past? Who are you! Do I call you 'your honour,' your majesty or what?


We are all guardians of our heritage which means we have a right to try to stop people defacing it in any way. You seem to think it important too, so why even pretend you deface it if you do not. Stop trying to be a big boy and tell us you won't deface things in the future and we'll all be happy bunnies again. And yes you can call me 'your majesty' if you like.
Try doing something useful like writing an objection letter about Thornborough if you really care for and want to help things from the past, see the site.


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Posted by pixie1948
13th April 2005ce

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Re: Physical violence (mike croley)

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