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Re:Romans v Reptoids
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Problem is that I kind of agree with everyone.


Censorship - big word ..... and a serious issue! However, we have to get real here, either TMA is a subject specific site, contributed to by a group of eclectic and knowledgeable amateurs interested in the ancient sites of Britain and Ireland or it is a free for all noticeboard, where any topic, however ridiculous or infantile, is accepted within an amorphic umbrella global free speech morality.

There are a myriad of sites and publications dealing with the interests of Mr. Croley, some of which I personally dip into from time to time. No harm in that. But, surely this isn't one of those sites?

My original post brought up the slightly fatuous issue of the Romans and their exclusion from TMA and the ridiculous scenario of us accepting the loony suggestion of reptile empires under the broad banner of freedom of speech while slapping on the wrist those that mention PAX ROMANUM.

In the interest of fairness we can't have one rule for the Romans and another for the Reptoids, can we?

I know that the best thing to do would be to ignore the posts that I dislike, but that's the fun of a chatroom, getting involved, I would dearly love to rip into Mr Croley and his Reptoids but I seriously believe that this is not the correct forum for such exchanges and that this should be pointed out to Mr Croley.


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follow that cow
Posted by follow that cow
10th April 2005ce

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Re:fao TMA ed (doktoratomik)

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Re:Romans v Reptoids (doktoratomik)
Re:Romans v Reptoids (mike croley)
Re:Romans v Reptoids (FourWinds)

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