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The Modern Antiquarian
Atlantis Grid, DNA, Energy, Wormwood by L. Savage
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Fred and Wilma Flintstone and their best friends, Barney and Betty Rubble, live in the prehistoric city of Bedrock but faces the problems of contemporary working-class life. After a day at the rock quarry, Fred and Barney arrive home in a stone-age vehicle with stone wheels and a fringe on top. Their lives revolve around their home, friends, and leisure activities: a world of drive-ins, bowling, and their "Water Buffalo" lodge. They have a baby dinosaur and a saber tooth tiger as the family dog and cat. In 1962 and 1963, Pebbles and Bamm Bamm appears as the daughter and adopted son of the Flintstones and Rubbles respectively.

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Posted by fitzcoraldo
10th April 2005ce

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