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Re: BNP blameless
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>I took a 4oo square foot Purple Swastika to Avebury for the Summer Solstice of 2003.

Yup, saw you here and took some pics.

>I sat with my wife all day in the Sun and spoke with many, many people including a top rank Policeman, a Native American Shamen, a couple of die hard Druids and loads of Pagans. Women performed healing and meditation in the centre of the swastika to help a friend conceive. Children ran around the symbol playing with crystals and we made many friends that day.

..and pissed off many locals who talked about it for months afterwards.

>One young Lady, 18yrs I guess called me a Nazi. Like most of you, she clearly remembered what she had learnt in school. What a shame our education system doesn't tell us the rest!

...Na she just Knows that people who use Nazi's symbolism are best to avoid.

>All I offer is the rest, the truth. try telling the truth without the use of an offensive symbol.
Can you still do it?

>Not everyone wants to beat me up or kill me you know. one said they did!

>There are many out there just like me,

...Yeah seen most of them at Avebury at one time or another.....

>just as it has all been written in prophecy.

...Go forth and multiply?

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Pete G
Posted by Pete G
6th April 2005ce

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Re: BNP blameless (mike croley)

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Re: wot message!? (smallblueplanet)
Re: BNP blameless (mike croley)
Re: BNP blameless (doktoratomik)

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