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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
Re: The Avebury Journal
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Blimy It's taken me ages to trawl through this thread.

Reading the TAJ my only concern is over the climbing on stones issue, advising people to 'challenge them and ask them to get off' could lead to argument and at worst, a scuffle. Might be better to advise folks to politely inform the offenders what kind of damage that 'people' (without directly referring to the person involved) might be doing to the stones and lichens by climbing on them – educate them!
If that still doesn't work then of course a punch in the gob is always a viable option ;-)

Anyways, the HA site is a credit to all involved – keep up the good work folks!


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Posted by swanvesta
28th March 2005ce

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The Avebury Journal (Jane)

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Re: The Avebury Journal (swanvesta)

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