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I see where your concerns come from, and I didn't mean to illicate such an forthright and long reply from you, to what were originally off-the-cuff annoyed remarks about the (apparent) stance of HA. I applaud the work HA does, but I feel its (apparent) attitude towards "officialdom" is counter-productive, short-sighted and biased - oh I've run out of steam here.....look I've been supping red wine (its Easter hols!) and so coherence (a problem at the best of times, is more so now).

"So - please tell us where we have acted in an unbalanced fashion, the exact information we have failed to mention and what information you have that we don't."

HA obviously don't think it necessary, but I would have hoped for responses from official organisations regarding the issues you so rightly highlight in the Blog.....without which it sounds a tad one-sided. OK. Afterall it says the blog is "news" and observations.

There is no more - I just hold an alternate viewpoint to you guys - and as to where I get my info from I really cannot say (and that was never really the point, but was used to highlight that perhaps info was "missing").

I look forward to the next Blog installments! :-)

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Posted by smallblueplanet
24th March 2005ce

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Re: Calling SBP - (nigelswift)

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Re: Calling SBP - (nigelswift)

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