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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
Re: The Avebury Journal
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Into the Fray Leaps METALHEAD!!! "Right You lot!" He shouts. "Stop it and behave yourselves!"

We on the WB Forum were given the link to the blog by Nigel and I have had a look at it and I think it is perfectly innocuous. I do not know the connection to Avebury most of the Forum users have but I have been there enough and worked with the NT volunteers enough to verify that your posts with regards to the monument on your Blog are indeed accurate. Also I saw them re-turfing the other day. Personally I think it would save on errosion if they moved the gates about a bit, but that would be far too sensible!

Can you put a blog on the good work of the litter pickers who keep the area tidy, especially around Silbury?

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24th March 2005ce

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Re: The Avebury Journal (Jane)

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