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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
Re: The Avebury Journal
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Yes, I'm back to front. That's the next northernmost event between Sanctuary and Silbury. I've never seen either so I have no image of the landscape whatsoever. I'm hoping to have another shot at the moonset in Smithills then.

The southernmost standstill event is the moonrise on the morning of April 1st. I've calculated it at 02:18 for Avebury but I don't know when British Summer Time begins this year. The moon should rise above the Southern Entrance, as seen from behind the Z-Stones; in the Last Quarter phase. It's so important it'll inevitably rain.

I spent an hour and a half on top of a freezing Bolton moor watching for a moonrise ninety degrees away from where it actually was. By the time the standstill gets exact, next year, all these practise manoevres might seem worthwhile.

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Posted by StoneLifter
23rd March 2005ce

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Re: The Avebury Journal (Pete G)

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