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Re: Your favourite 'significant landscape feat...
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From Kelston round hill you can also see some, what I term very old landscapes, neolithic and bronze age. First of all is the Mendips, with bronze age burial grounds, Penn hill with its longbarrow on its flank (still believe this is a significant hill) because the priddy henges are not too far away... Sweeping round, Westbury white horse, with Salisbury plain and the old barrows and iron age forts that crown the ridge behind the white horse, and of course Cley hill in front.
Towards Wales, the Severn estuary, with the Brecon Beacons behind, and if you walk a bit further the pass that leads to Caerwent with Gray Hill circle above. The two great modern bridges that sweep over the estuary, with stones still lying below the road - old trackways were obviously the best! and just to complete the walk, I can look back to Cherhill and the Oldbury monument near to Avebury. All about 30 kilometres distance in a great circle round Lansdown racecourse, or the Great Down as it was once called, to me it has always seemed that neolithic people were in spitting distance of each other and knew exactly what their neighbours were doing.........

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Posted by moss
22nd March 2005ce

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