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Re: Your favourite 'significant landscape feat...
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Although I couldn't list my top 20 sites I could probably manage my top 20 landscape feautures, but I'll not bore you with all of them. As well as Knocknarea I have to mention the Dublin Mountains (simply just the north end of the Wicklow Mountains that happen to be in Co. Dublin). Whenever I am on my way home after one of my trips the first sight of them always makes me go gooey.

Also from the top of them you can see Sleive Gullion in northern Ireland and Cader Idris in Wales (on a very, very clear day). Amongst the others, which are mainly mountains, I have to add Sleive Gullion and Howth (the almost-island you pass when entering Dublin by sea).

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Posted by FourWinds
22nd March 2005ce

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