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Re: Your favourite 'significant landscape feat...
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I too love the mountains, love the lakes.
My most memorable night came whilst wild camping up next to Hayes Water, the reservoir above Hartsop.
It way a particularly cold August night, we camped, made food, walked 1/2 way up The Knott, and came down in the dusk.
The evening was incredible; the stars so bright and clear in the sky. So we pulled the sleeping bags out of the tent, and lay under the stars. Hayswater lies in a natural amphitheatre, surrounded on all sides by high mountains, a perfect place for star gazing. The most fantastic meteor shower materialized, shooting star after shooting star fell from the sky. I was rocked to the depth of my soul. The magic of the evening was overwhelming.
Just before midnight, the sky became lighter from the east. We couldn't work out why. A silvery shadow started to creep across the valley bottom, heading closer and closer to the tent. Just as the light hit the tent, the full moon bust over the eastern mountain, High Street. Clear moonlight swamped over us, the majestic beauty will never be forgotten. Excitement and energy buzzed and we were spellbound.
If I could bottle that feeling, I would be rich!

Other favourite landscape places include; Robin Hoods Stride in Derbyshire (where the stones look like gods), Glen Etive Valley, and the Picos mountains in Spain. These places have moved me.

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Posted by nicoladidsbury
21st March 2005ce

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