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Re: a whinger writes
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I was waiting for a terminal disease to arrive before putting pen to paper - big time. I was thinking more along the lines of - - a few silkscreened prints and art trivia. Selling bits of Scotch pine rootstock, from basecamp, that are as old as Otzi, would be like selling bits of the Berlin Wall. There's a lot of it and it's soft art terrorism. It makes an unequivocal point about defforestation and the loss of atmosphere if you can identify the axe nicks.

I'm thinking more along the lines of small film demo. I've bought three cameras and found a source of film. My problems are with the Tumbling Coconuts and getting them facing the right way at the same time.

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Posted by StoneLifter
15th March 2005ce

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Re: a whinger writes (Hob)

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