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Re: a whinger writes
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Kammer said "Compared to the Megalithic Portal, this place is pretty liberal. I'm not a Portal basher, it's just that there's an editorial process 'over there' that's not mirrored on TMA. The difference is a good thing. It means variety, and variety provides choice for us, the megalithic enthusiasts."

Hope you don't mind me commenting, but I've always thought that TMA was more editorially alert than us over on t'other side. Parallel universe going on too as we are currently talking about site validation and what to do about "dodgy sites". At present we favour marking them as suspect or downright modern, rather than deleting them. The logic being that if we keep them on file as dodgy, then we will not mislead anyone and will not get them homing in again as new sites when someone else "discovers" them

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Posted by PeterH
11th March 2005ce

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Re: a whinger writes (Kammer)

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Re: a whinger writes (FourWinds)

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