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Re: a whinger writes:
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Thankyou Tree for agreeing with me. (your money's in the post). Your post illustrates my point - you've been to the area, you're putting forward the pros and cons as to whether the site is 'real', not just pooh-poohing it without discussion.
Besides, 'official opinion' changes all the time, as you can see from the monuments records on magic - years ago a site might be 'roundbarrow' then it might change to a 'longbarrow' or even a 'natural mound'. Looking for folklore sites I quite often find things once described as barrows which are now officially mottes or windmill bases or whatever.

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Posted by Rhiannon
11th March 2005ce

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Re: a whinger writes: (treehugger-uk)

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Re: a whinger writes: (Kammer)

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