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Re: A modern quotation ...
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I've rehearsed this argument previously and I am very aware 'that you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink' but I was around when Tracey Emin and the Creative Director of the BBc unveiled her first piece of sculpture. (It's underwhelmingly bad). I know of the work of many of the nvironmental artists around the world - I know of Christo's plan to cover a stretch of river and of how many years they have been planning it. I also know that there is not a single person on eart that can envisage the design of this crop circle http://www.cropcircleconnector[...]2004/tanhill/tanhill2004a.html much less carry it out, unseen, during the short summer nights. And, from the videos I've seen (only), the structures are exceptionally neat on the ground and laid in a swirl - not a crush. But, again, I'll be the only person that has grown and reaped wheat and knows intimately what a difficult 'material' it is to work with. You living in the midst of the circles and missing the enlightment contained within the grand designs is similar to my friend, Dudley, who has broadband but just uses it for email.

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Posted by StoneLifter
9th March 2005ce

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Re: A modern quotation ... (Pete G)

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