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Re: Arthur chucking rocks about
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Mr Hob, you're too kind. But you have to understand it's an addiction, pure and simple. I can't rest unless I'm putting more more MORE on here. There's little choice involved.

And I share your ideas about the electromagnetic effects - or whatever. Surely there has to be 'something' about places like Simonside, to accrue all these stories. Some People might just say it's all tosh, a way of explaining things for people that don't understand Modern Science and our nice rational 21st century. But surely there's no smoke without fire? Who knows.

Now about this here Arthur. I hear there's a 2004 book by the prolific Janet Bord called Footprints in Stone (Imprints of giants, heroes, holy people, devils, monsters and supernatural beings) which sounds just the ticket. Have a see at[...]42395;$B2$2E$A//Location/Oxbow
I haven't been able to get it through the library yet but I haven't tried very hard - could even buy the thing I suppose. So I don't know what it's like but it ought to give a wider take on the matter.

meanwhile keep on thinking and visiting.. I await with bated breath for your theories.

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Posted by Rhiannon
4th March 2005ce

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Re: Arthur chucking rocks about (StoneLifter)

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