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Re: West Kennett enclosures
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as the person responsible for the most recent cropmark plot of the West Kennet enclosures (and yes, I have visited Silbaby on the ground with Dave Field and Pete G), I should point out that the two linear cropmarks Rhiannon refers to don't quite align on Silbaby. There's also another problem with them, especially the western one - as it travels northwest towards the western palisade enclosure, it actually turns almost due north before crossing the enclosure's interior, missing Silbaby by a fair distance. The eastern linear ends against the palisade enclosure wall and does not continue beyond it. What's interesting in terms of the Silbaby area is the view that anyone would have had in the Neolithic of the interior of the palisades enclosures, and of the linked linears and enclosures beyond. If anyone's interested, a summary account and interpretation of the post-Whittle cropmarks is in Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine vol 96, 2003, pages 148-160, while a more detailed account can be ordered (in either paper or pdf format) from the NMR at Swindon (via and links to National Monuments Record). No idea what they'll charge, but it's usually cost price, more or less.

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Posted by MJB
26th November 2004ce

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Re: West Kennett enclosures (Rhiannon)

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Re: West Kennett enclosures (smallblueplanet)
Site visit & photos (Pete G)

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