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The Witch's Stone
Re: Calling Fourwinds
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It's a lovely stone, but a shadow of its former self :-)

I was going to add the following to the site page (still will), but I'll answer here first.

It's called the Witch's Stone simply because that's what the locals called it when they dug it up in the 1980s. Nothing special I'm afraid. It was pulled out of the ground when the farmer cleared a field.

I used to think it was actually from a passage tomb, but there used to be a lot of rock art within 15 miles of this stone, so who knows for sure. Oddly the field it was dug up in is called <i>the round field</i>, but it's sub-rectangular! Odd.

It now sits in a little, marshy copse at the base of this field through which a stream runs. The farmer was brought up to believe that fairies lived by the stream. A little bit of folk memory I think!

As a final offering: Just over the stream a rather 'New-Agey' woman has built a house. She is to be found sitting butt-naked upon the stone, from time to time, meditating.

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Posted by FourWinds
19th July 2004ce

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Re: Calling Fourwinds (Paulus)

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