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Re: Ireland for the Newbie
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I just typed a long reply, and when I posted it . . because I wasn't logged on lost the lot!

anyway, the link is fantastic, thanks Fourwinds. I'll be browsing for hours! I've put some Coffee on!
I'll be in Cork for three full days. If I get to see four-six circles a day I'll be over the moon.
Perhaps some Portal Tombs too, and some stone rows (I'm not greedy).
I don't like 'whistle stop' tours of circles, I like spend a while at a site. . sketch a little, meditate, write my thoughts down, play my flute, write a song, compose a poem and write a screenplay. I'm rambling

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suave harv
Posted by suave harv
8th June 2004ce

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Re: Ireland for the Newbie (FourWinds)

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Re: Ireland for the Newbie (FourWinds)

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