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The Swastika Stone
Aussie Swastika Stone
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David Bird has kindly sent me his pics of the Aussie Swastika Stone near Brisbane, with permission to upload them. I've laso traced of a diagram of the parts of the design I can clearly see.

I've uploaded them to the Ilkley Moor Swastika Stone page... if the TMA Eds think this is the wrong place and would like me to put them somewhere else, or take them down altogether, please let me know n' I'll oblige.

My initial thoughts are that it may have been carved by colonial settlers... but it may well be aboriginal of course too.... it certainly looks too weathered to be 20th C at least. The design closely follows that of the Valcamonican Camunian Rose, nine cups in a cross and an entwining groove.

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Posted by Kozmik_Ken
1st June 2004ce

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Eeh-by-gum v. streuth (Jane)

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Re: Aussie Swastika Stone (Kozmik_Ken)

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