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Re: Fields Recordings From The Sea
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The bari bit was a little "tonge in cheek" though not totally. I don't believe human nature as changed a great deal in the last 150,000 years. We are a little less barbaric, cannibalism is frowned upon, slavery outlawed but evolutionaryly (can't be bothered to look up the spelling) we will have changed little. It is part of human nature to put ones own family first, extended family second, tribal loyalties third, we may pretend otherwise but this has always been so. The Arabs have a saying, "If my cousin hits my brother, I will hit my cousin. If a stranger hits my cousin I will hit the stranger."

I have a theory that physical violence was the driving force behind our evolution. The main reason our aboreal ancestors developed an upright stance and led directly to the development of the human brain. To me it is all perfectly logical although unlike "stone-rowing" I will never be able to prove it.

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Posted by GordonP
20th April 2004ce

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