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Re: Calling BG
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Because I can put my hand into the hole - just. And the hole isn't truly round, as it would be if it had been drilled, but it's eccentric, showing that it's been carved. But the stone is broken, out of context, and in a quiet residential area, so I've zilched it.

It would be useful to have a group named 'Smithills' and to be able to put all of these sites round here into it. It'd just make it a bit easier for a visitor to navigate. IronMan made a group called Winter Hill but that was from the perspective of half a dozen miles away and not strictly accurate. The focus of the Smithills monuments is Sugarloaf Hill - that is the mother hill. The local tradition is that it's man-made but it's a drumlin.

On Friday there's the Rivington Pike fair - a traditional carry-over from the Spring Equinox celebrations. R.P. is the mother hill for Anglezarke Moor, maybe ?

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Posted by BlueGloves
5th April 2004ce

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Calling BG (TMA Ed)

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Re: Calling BG (Kammer)
Smithill Group - I agree ! (Rivington Pike)

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