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Re: Sarcens/Greywethers
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Bernard Cornwell explores the polital statement and nicked circle themes in his novel 'Stonehenge' which is surprisingly good.
As for the names of the sarsens I called them tom, john, fred, bill, tony, deborah, sarah, rod, gordon, beaky, mick, joseph, cliff, alison, monkey, herbert, hubert, charlie, charles, chuck, richard, gertrude, zebedee, claire, hercules, rover, daisy, ethel, jack, elsie, zara, sean, 'dick-fingers', franky, bob, arlo, woody, tina, heather, harold, madge, kylie, jason, danii, muriel, brian, sidney, barbara, kenneth, frodo, sam, merry, pippin, galadriel, florence, shithead, dave, angus, ermintrude, dolly, teresa, elaine, gary, amun, randy, britney, sharon, curly, mo, bart, homer, desmond, 'The Boss' and jimmy.

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Spaceship mark
Posted by Spaceship mark
23rd February 2004ce

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Re: Sarcens/Greywethers (nigelswift)

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Re: Sarcens/Greywethers (nigelswift)

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