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Little Badger Stone
Re: Calling Chris Collyer
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> any excuse to blab on about Ilkley Moor

Ditto :-)

I think 50 carved rocks within 1 km is maybe pushing it a bit though, there isn't much to the south after the Badger Stone. Just having a quick look at the book and I'd say about 40 marked rocks in total, but it's still a pretty fantastic figure. What's the 'Pitchfork' stone, I've not heard of that one.
I'll change the name 'Unknown' to 'Little Badger', it's a much nicer name anyway.

Have you seen this one?

(390 in the book) it's gorgeous, set well away from the main concentrations, unlike any other stone in the area and looks a bit like a Polisher ;-)


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Chris Collyer
Posted by Chris Collyer
2nd February 2004ce

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Re: Calling Chris Collyer (Kozmik_Ken)

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