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Arthur's Stone
Re: Neolithic Cement?
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I'm sure you posted that link with your tongue in your cheek, but I've had run-ins with these people before. The concrete pyramids argument has an amazing amount of support from the pyramidiots, despite the fact that it is clearly absurd. I presented a long list of evidence against the theory, which was either totally ignored or mocked (because they can't answer it). Instead, they cling to their main assertion that moving and raising large stone blocks is much more difficult than transporting aggregate and water.

Mortar was used in the Pyramids, but not to make the blocks.

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Steve Gray
Posted by Steve Gray
13th January 2004ce

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Re: Neolithic Cement? (The Sizewell Bee)

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Re: Neolithic Cement? (GordonP)
Re: Neolithic Cement? (Steve Gray)

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