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Re: Orkney
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Yep, just returned from Orkney, what an amazing, inspirational place. One problem, you wont wanna leave!

hints:Stones of Stenness are still shut ( officially), the farmer insists on locking all the gates and keeping a full herd of sheep in there, even though there is an empty field next door...tosser. Everything else is pretty much open, couple of walks shut.

Oh yeah dont pay for Skara Brae (£4.90)!!! just go at about 7:30pm when everything is shut, and go via the beach on the Bay of Skaill. You will have to pay for Maes Howe, but its worth it and not too pricey. But beware of coachloads of old biddies around the island. They will swamp you and ruin your time at a site, so v important, you must avoid them at all costs!!

But what a great place, we are planning our return already!!
have fun!!
love Danxxxxxxxxx

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Posted by FurryDan
9th July 2001ce

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Orkney (Dan Gereaux)

Messages in this topic:

    Orkney (Dan Gereaux, Jul 07, 2001, 01:21)
    • Re: Orkney (cHARLIE, Jul 07, 2001, 12:52)
    • Re: Orkney (FurryDan, Jul 09, 2001, 13:41)