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The Thornborough Henges
Re: and here's another one ...
47 messages
Select a forum: - Gerald Hawkins was the only notable academic with any interest in the phenomena - and extracted four - maybe five - theorems from the patterns. That means that the shapes taught us something.

The similarity between the proportions of the crop circles and henges and stone circles is too prominent to ignore. Wiltshire is also the world centre for crop circles. There is another website - - a person here rejects 98% of the crop marks as hoaxes. This leaves three for him, in the UK, this year. One that is left is the three swallows design, Adam Hill, as well as this one, from June,

Hang on, here's the swallows - - I can't believe that students made this. The ones I see have difficulty getting to ten o'clock lectures. I'm well used to mowing wheat, also, with a scythe. I know how difficult this is and just how many blisters are raised.

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Posted by AtomicMutton
7th November 2003ce

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Re: and here's a final one ... (Steve Gray)

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Re: and here's another one ... (Steve Gray)

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