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Re: Getting Serious about Conservation
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I don't like the word 'heritage' - it's not specific enough to the period we are passionate about.

I don't like the word 'Alliance' either. Makes me think of false promises and building societies.

And I would steer clear of 'fight', warrior' or 'combative' references. Too "Sally Army" and extreme.

'Passion' covers a multitude of sins and implies we do it in a loving and caring way, even if sometimes 'direct action' may be necessary.

Oh dear, that's not very helpful is it. Saying what I don't like and not suggesting alternatives.

I'm working on a document at the moment to do with lesbian and bi-sexual young women and I have entitled it 'Pride not prejudice'. Couldn't we do something under the 'pride', 'proud' banner?

Prehistoric Pride?

I dunno. I need coffee. And nicotine...

 This topic is locked
Posted by Jane
5th November 2003ce

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