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Re: Burl's a bugger!
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Sorry about this, but a thought just struck me.

You mention the role of the Catholic Church in Ireland's misery, and you're right to do so.

And here's the 'BUT' ...

Until around the 1100s the Irish Church was separate from Rome. Although many people wanted Rome to take over it had power over only a few monasteries and abbeys and the antagonists had no hope really. It was given its power in Ireland by the Normans! (who were then the rulers of, and came via, England etc ....)

The Irish monks were travelling around Europe and spreading the Irish way and doing quite nicely. There were several 'irish abbeys' in France and Scotland. Then the Catholic Church was installed by the Normans in Ireland and the rest is, as they say, history. If it wasn't for the Normans Rome may have been challenged, or at least a viable separate option to them might have been firmly established a long time before Protestantism (?).

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Posted by FourWinds
29th October 2003ce

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